Welcome to Cubonia: A page dedicated to cubicle monkeys trapped in the corporate jungle

Cube Monkeys are disapparing at an alarming rate. Corporate mergers, downsizing, higher "productivity", mandatory overtime and a lack of vacation time or chances for advancement are slowly eroding their environment, often leaving them with nowhere to go. Their plight is heartbreaking.

They no longer play merry pranks on one another, and barely respond when poked or prodded with provoking emails. Sometimes they pace, prowling back and forth in deserted conference rooms, nervously growling into cellphones. But mostly, they stare, blindly and disheartened, at small screens, for hours on end, rarely shifting position or noticing their surroundings. It doesn't even matter if the screens are on.

Remember, only you can free Cubonia. Only you can stop the devastation of cubicles everywhere, and turn the work place into a fun place to be again.

Need more monkey mania? www.squidoo.com/cafepress/cubonia

Want to do more than read? Feel a need to take action? Help save the Cube Monkey! Express your love and pride in Cubonia with our monkey and office themed apparel and merchandise. All proceeds will go to the care and feeding of one Cube Monkey. Shop our unique, branded, cube monkey and cubonia products at http://www.cafepress.com/cubemonkey

Monday, November 20, 2006

Just Ask

In the rare bits of previous research I have been able to dig up for this insular breed, I had discovered that they had rudimentary language skills, but was frankly amazed at the complexity of both culture and language. While each caste of the tribe speaks a common form of cuboneese, each caste has also developed it's own personal dialect. I believe that the dialects are part of the foundation of this caste system, as it is very hard for members of each caste to understand one another, and they must somewhat depend on interpretation between castes.
The higher castes speak a dialect of cuboneese called "buzwerd". The word itself translates as "pretty nothings", and consists of nouns used as verbs, verbs used as nouns and nonsense words paired with common words. For instance, "sohlisit byin" is a pretty nothing meaning "ask". Sohlisit byin is one of 25 separate and unique phrases used to say “ask”. Asking is clearly important to these people!

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